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OK, it’s not the role of a lifetime. Still, it does sounds like a fun way to spend a Saturday. Film buffs can help out a local film production company just by showing up for Saturday’s shoot. Denver’s Double Edge Films is looking for male extras — about 100 of them — to flesh out a scene for their current project, Ink. The film is about a group of “fantastical beings who come out at night to bring us our dreams,” and the crew is in week nine of a 14-week shoot. The details:
We are filming a major climactic scene on this Saturday, September 1st, and are still in need of many extras. The scene takes place in the assembly where all of the evil dream givers are gathered. We are hoping to have at least 100 people for this scene, all men.
One year of 5280 for justSubscribe today »$19.95$12. That’s only $1 per issue!When: 10AM – 6PM, September 1st. Most likely we will wrap you earlier than 6PM, but please keep your availability open all day.
Where: Aurora, CO. Please respond for directions.
Who: Men, primarily of ages late teens through late thirties, but older would work as well. Wardrobe will be black khaki style pants (not slacks) and black shoes. We will provide the top and accessories.
Compensation: Screen credit and a copy of the film.
RSVP: Write “RSVP September 1st” in the subject line please.