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When the pandemic slowed Heather Henning’s wedding photography business, she found her pivot in an unexpected place: Denver’s singles scene. “I had essentially dated all of Colorado,” she says. “I got really good at crafting my [online dating] profile and helping my friends with theirs. I even went on dates where they’d pull out their phones, show me their profile, and listen to my advice.” Combining that field experience with her passion for photography, in 2020 Henning launched Denver Online Dating, which helps local singles find their better halves by analyzing and refreshing their personals with new photos, catchy copy, and even wardrobe styling sessions (packages start at $480).
Here, Henning shares five tips for attracting the right swipes that are right for you.
1. Dig Deep
Sure, you like to hike, camp, and snowboard, but so does every other single person in Denver. “There’s so much more to you than just that,” Henning says. “What’s something you do regularly for your close friends? Are you passionate about the environment? Are you proud of something you’ve accomplished?” Sprinkle in your vulnerable side—say, your love of gratitude journaling or self-help books—without getting overly emotional. No one wants to hear about your high school heartbreak.
2. Say Cheese
“The person on the other end wants to know that you are a happy person, you’re comfortable in your skin, and you’re fun to be around—and a full, genuine smile is going to go a long way with that,” Henning says. That’s why she always tells her clients to make the first photo on their profiles a solo, full-smile portrait. She also recommends avoiding shots with sunglasses, balaclavas, or anything else that might distract from your lovely mug.
3. Show and Tell
Even if your prose would make Cyrano de Bergerac swoon, not knowing the difference between they’re, their, and there could be a real turn-off. “Improper grammar and punctuation and lazy answers to prompts are unattractive,” Henning says. Spice up your bio by showing—not just telling—the other person what it’s like to spend time with you. “Don’t just write that you like to ski. Say something like, ‘We’re the same type of weird if we both like to listen to murder podcasts on the way to the ski hill.’ ”
4. Parental Guidance
It’s great—and sexy!—that you’re a proud parent, but displaying your littles on the apps is off-limits. “Many people immediately swipe left because they feel it’s unkind to post children online, for the child’s safety,” Henning says. Mention your parental status in your profile’s written area instead. As for four-legged children: “If you don’t have a photo with that pet toward the front of your profile, you’re doing it wrong,” Henning says. “People want to see that you know how to take care of a living thing long-term.”
5. Keep Calm and Date On
Bad dates happen. Even worse: Good dates disappear. Try not to get discouraged. The key to getting lucky in love, Henning says, is continuing to go on dates rather than deleting your profile every time you have a less-than-ideal experience. And as harsh as it can feel at times, ghosting is part of the online dating game. “Take it as a blessing that they’re not wasting your time anymore,” Henning says.
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