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The Grand Junction Sentinel reports:
Scores of Telluride residents signed a petition to impeach President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and the Telluride Town Council will decide today whether to endorse it or let voters decide on the November ballot. Only 33 signatures were required to get the initiative on the November ballot, but more than 100 signed. Telluride city attorney Kevin Geiger said. “Regardless of the substance (of the petition), the council has two options: to pass that initiated ordinance on its own … or send it to the electorate,” he said.
One year of 5280 for justSubscribe today »$19.95$12. That’s only $1 per issue!The petition calls for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney for “knowingly harming the United States of America and the state of Colorado.” The petition accuses Bush and Cheney of conducting electronic surveillance that was “concealed from Congress, the press and the public.” It also charges the president and vice president have arbitrarily detained “citizens and non-citizens indefinitely inside and outside of the United States,” tortured prisoners and “arrogated excessive power.” The petition was circulated by Thom Carnevale, Bernice Garber and Peggy Sue Richards.
Telluride isn’t alone.
About 85 cities and counties have endorsed resolutions calling for the impeachment of the president and vice president, Carnevale said, and about 50 cities are considering it, including Albuquerque, N.M. Other cities that have passed impeachment resolutions include Chicago, Detroit and San Francisco, he said.
This reminds me of when so many cities adopted resolutions opposing the Patriot Act. Yet, we’re still living with it. It hasn’t been repealed.
I’m wondering, are these resolutions just feel-good measures or do they have a chance at affecting national policy? What do you think?