In the past 25 years, some 40 million Americans have left the church and their religious affiliations. But what happens to places of worship when there’s no one to fill the pews? In Denver, several defunct church buildings have been converted into character-filled condos, apartments, and single-family homes—personal sanctuaries for residents who have an appreciation for ornate architectural details and historic quirks.

We chatted with Eva Rowland (@stainedglassapartment), who rents one of 10 units inside a renovated 1893 church building in Denver, about how she’s added her personal style to the former spiritual space—and the more than 71,000 TikTok followers she’s gained along the way.

Editor’s note: The following conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

5280: How did you stumble upon this apartment?
Eva Rowland: I was living in Vermont and tired of the cold weather. I knew I wanted to move, but I didn’t really know where. So I just made it a hobby to look around and find cool apartments in different cities. I focused on historic buildings—anything with character. In 2023, while I was visiting friends in Denver for the summer, my friend showed me this apartment and was like, “What if we moved in here?” I wasn’t planning on staying in Denver at the time, but I was like, “Holy cow, yes. If we get that apartment, I’ll live here.” Being an artist, people need to see your art, and I knew living here would create a platform for that.

What kind of art do you create?
I really like sculpting. I’ve made a giant glass beaded spider web as well as miniature chandeliers. I’m trying to figure out how to combine my love for art and creation with home decor. Right now I’m creating a plateware set that looks like a little pond and learning how to make stained glass.


Outfit is from free people

♬ Dream Sweet in Sea Major – Gem‼


When did you start sharing your apartment on social media?
The day we moved in [in August 2023], I posted a little video and it got 700,000 views. So it was pretty immediate that people were paying attention. I figured out that dancing in front of the stained glass window and acting silly is a really good format for TikTok. The harder part was keeping people interested and learning how to make [money off of it]. I’m still learning, but at this point, my social media accounts for about a third of my income.

What are the challenges of having a robust social media following?
It can be overwhelming. It’s kind of ridiculous that I’ve put myself in this position because I’m naturally shy. I have to take my time with it and cope with the reality that so many people are looking at me. My comment section has a lot of people saying things like, “I can’t even afford to eat, and this girl is showing off her wealth.” But in reality, I work multiple jobs, pay all my own bills, and have roommates. I try not to let it get to me too much. I try to just listen and understand [where the negativity comes from].

So how much do you pay for rent?
The apartment is $3,800 per month for three bedrooms and two-and-a-half bathrooms. But that’s split between me and my roommate, and starting next month, my roommate is moving out and two new roommates are coming in.


I feel like this room is starting to come together. Needs more plants and another rug.

♬ Crying In The Chapel – Elvis Presley

What are your favorite furniture/decor pieces in the apartment?
Unique pieces bring me joy, and I really enjoy searching Facebook Marketplace. It’s like a treasure hunt. The first thing I bought for the apartment was a bright-blue 1970s Adrian Pearsall couch and chair set. They’re so fun. For my bedroom, I worked with Solid Cherry Heirlooms on Etsy to create a loft bed that looks like a giant chair. It’s inspired by a painting I did when I was 16. I would’ve never expected to create something like that, so it’s kind of mind-blowing. I try to keep everything pretty youthful, playful, and colorful.

Tell me about that cool rug in your living room.
I spent months trying to pick a rug and posted multiple TikToks [asking for my followers’ opinions]. I ended up finding a [now defunct] company on Etsy that makes these mosslike tufted rugs…. So I reached out and asked if they wanted to collaborate, and they said yes. I get a lot of inspiration from nature, and I liked the idea of [the living room] feeling like a garden.

Are there any downsides to living in a former church?
I’ve definitely been a little spooked by it before. It’s a really large space, and the ceilings are 50 feet tall so sound bounces around. And you know, the building settles—every once in a while you’ll hear noises. But we’ve tried to make it really cozy and use lots of lush fabrics and textures. The space really feels like a sanctuary—it feels like home.

Follow along as Eva Rowland decorates her church-apartment on TikTok and Instagram @stainedglassapartment.