In the planet’s harshest Arctic environs thousands of miles from his home in Boulder, National Geographic photographer James Balog and his team braved subzero temperatures, 100 mph winds, and unproven equipment to document one of the biggest issues of our time: climate change. Using automated time-lapse cameras specifically built to withstand severe weather, Balog traveled to the Earth’s far-flung glaciers to conduct the Extreme Ice Survey, which captures unprecedented multi-year photographic evidence of glacial retreat. When Boulder-based film director Jeff Orlowski began tagging along on expeditions to film the project, the documentary Chasing Ice was born. The film—which picked up an award for Excellence in Cinematography at this year’s Sundance Film Festival—is a blend of artistry and science that presents a tangible and moving look at how humans impact the planet. Catch the Denver premier on November 16 at Landmark Theatres’ Chez Artiste. Exclusive: Visit to read our Q&A with James Balog.