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News : Page 166

Spin Cities

Whether you’re climbing to 10,000 feet around Lake Dillon in Breckenridge or staying close to Denver at Cherry Creek State Park, these are our picks for the best road cycling routes around Colorado.

Risky Business

From rockslide control and wildfire mitigation to livestock handling and aerial tram maintenance, Colorado’s labor market has more than its share of occupational hazards. We talked to eight people whose careers might make you love your nine-to-five desk job just a little bit more.


Each year, more than 18,000 victims of domestic violence call SafeHouse Denver’s hot line. Meet one of them.

An Insomniac’s Diary

One woman’s epic attempt to quiet her mind and get just one good night of sleep.

Company Collective

Denverites say sayonara to the corporate cubicle—and the home office.

Nutty Growth

How a simple idea for a quick snack became big business.

Colorado On Weapons: Where Do Our U.S. Senators Stand?

Senators Michael Bennet and Mark Udall backed restrictions on high-capacity magazine clips and supported the broadening of background checks across the country—but both opposed a proposal to ban certain assault weapons.

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