You might be familiar with agricultural CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture): Pay a fee and you’ll receive a regular selection of meats or veggies. Now the art world is borrowing that idea for CSArt Colorado, a share-based membership program that connects art collectors with local artists selected by the Denver Botanic Gardens and the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. During CSArt’s inaugural year, patrons pay $400 for a share (100 are up for grabs); in return, they receive nine original works. The highlight: Shareholders get to meet the artists while picking up their works at three scheduled distribution evenings. (The first is May 16 at the Botanic Gardens.) The 18 participating artists include installationist Viviane Le Courtois and Latino expressionist Tony Ortega. Buying art has never been so easy.

This article was originally published in 5280 March 2013.
Daliah Singer
Daliah Singer
Daliah Singer is an award-winning writer and editor based in Denver. You can find more of her work at