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28th Annual Starz Denver International Film Festival — Nov. 10-20
Don’t miss out on the last few days of Denver’s very own film festival. Be sure and see: Colorado-made mockumentary Combover (Thu); Richard Shepard’s dark comedy, The Matador (Fri, Sat, and Sun); and the closing-night screening of Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain, a story of forbidden love staring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal (Sun). Various locations. For more information and tickets, call 303-595-3400 or visit’Espirit de Noel Holiday Home Tour — Nov 17-19
Want your holiday decorations to look like something out of Martha Stewart Living? Here’s your chance to learn from the pros. The 29th annual L’Esprit de Noel Holiday Home Tour features five homes in The Preserve at Greenwood Village, lavishly decorated for the holidays by Denver florists and table designers. The sixth home will showcase a holiday boutique with crafts, food, decorations, and gift ideas. All proceeds benefit the Central City Opera House Association. Thu-Sat 10 a.m.-3 p.m. South Denver at the intersection of Orchard and Colorado. $16 and $18 at the door. For tickets call the Central City Box Office, 303-292-6700 or King Soopers.
Art District Multi-Gallery Opening — Nov 18
If you haven’t already, it’s time to explore the Santa Fe arts district—Golden Triangle’s younger, up-and-coming cousin to the east. This Friday, 10 participating galleries are holding extended hours to show off new art and exhibits. Fri 6-9 p.m. All galleries located on Santa Fe Dr., Free. For more information, call 303-574-0040.
Good Samaritan Pet Center Holiday Open House — Nov 19
Give a dog a bone. Help support this local animal shelter by bringing your dog (as long as he or she gets along well with others) for pet photos, Christmas gifts, a bake sale and raffle, even doggie nail trims ($5). Donations of pet-friendly items—food, litter, toys, bones, treats, etc.—are appreciated. Sat 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Mile High Canine Club, 1346 W. Cedar Ave. For more information, visit or call 303-333-2291.
Woman’s Economic Power Day — Nov 19
Ladies, visit this one-day summit of workshops and speakers and learn the skills to maximize your economic powers. Presented by Life Moxie, a national organization promoting the empowerment of women. Sat 8 a.m.-6 p.m. University Club, 1673 Sherman St. $85 early registration, $75 with a friend, $125 at door. Breakfast, lunch, reception, and workshops all included. To register, visit or call 1-888-676-0943.
4th Annual Nutcracker Tea — Nov 20
Put on your Sunday best and meet all your favorite characters from the Ballet Nouveau Nutcracker Ballet. Dance with Clara and meet the Sugar Plum Fairy while enjoying tea and sweets. Sun 2:30-4 p.m. Westin Westminster, Highway 36 and Church Ranch Blvd. Tickets $18, to make reservations call 303-466-5685.