Most brewmasters will tell you that they owe a fair amount of their success to the rest of the business operations, especially the artists behind the company’s labels. It is the way that their IPA stands out from the other dozens of IPA on the liquor store shelf. Think about it: How often have you picked up a sixpack just because the packaging intrigued you.

And while we don’t recommend that you judge a beer only by it’s label—the beer has to be delicious—we commend companies, like Left Hand Brewing that know when to get a makeover. In 2009, the company launched a redesign process with Boulder’s Moxie Sozo that was completed a year later. The new labels feature a person’s face (a beer-y version of Where’s Waldo) but borrow from the old labels (repeated imagery, like saws and cows).

Sawtooth Ale

What Changed: Sawtooth Mountain

What Stayed: The diamond-shaped saw.

The Face: Joe Schiraldi (vice president of production)

Artist: Charles Bloom

Milk Stout

What Stayed: The cow.

The Face: Chris Lennert (vice president of operations)

Artist: Charles Bloom

Black Jack Porter

What Changed: Maritime touches

What Stayed: Not much.

The Face: Eric Wallace (president)

Artist: Charles Bloom

Polestar Pilsner:

What Stayed: The star.

The Face: Leif Stiner (creative director at Moxie Sozo)

Artist: Nate Dyer

Good Juju

What Changed: The name (from Juju Ginger to Good Juju)

What Stayed: The colors

The Face and the Artist: Charles Bloom (designer)


What Changed: A ring to celebrate the wedding that inspired all Oktoberfests

What Stayed: A checkered Bavarian flag

The Face: Ro Guenzel (head brewer)

The Artist: Charles Bloom

Natasha Gardner
Natasha Gardner
Natasha Gardner is a Denver-based writer and the former Articles Editor for 5280.