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If anyone wondered about how Denver would accommodate 35,000 Democratic convention attendees, they need only look to this weekend. Downtown Denver welcomed the Rockies baseball fans, Octoberfest goers and Race for the Cure participants. There was also a Genesis concert, an Avs game and a Columbus Day parade. The total number of people enjoying downtown this weekend: 250,000. There’s a naysayer in every crowd:
“I am not coming near this place until Monday,” said Tom McElhinney, as he enjoyed a beer at Falling Rock Tap House in LoDo on Friday afternoon. “Between races, football, soccer, baseball, the Denver arts festival and Oktoberfest, you couldn’t park a car within six miles of here. Anybody who intends to drive their car down here is a damn fool.”
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Missing out on great events in Downtown Denver because of parking problems and traffic is so last year. We have great mass transist, from light rail to buses and Mall shuttles. Aside from not having to drive, you don’t have to risk a D.U.I. But the larger point is this, 35,000 convention-goers should be a breeze compared to this weekend.